Drink, Listen, & Converse
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Peeps' Creek™ the Café

Listen to the Podcast

Ep. 27: Happy Hour [What'Cha Wanna Know]

Happy Hump Wednesday Peeps!

On today’s episode, you asked and we answered. We asked you guys to send us some questions, comments, or requests for advice to our IG page (@PeepsCreek) and our personal accounts (@bassaxoharp; @cristhiannmp; and @hotpricanldy)! You did that! So thank you! In this episode, during our 2020 Virtual Labor Day Happy Hour, we answered your questions! We had relationship questions, podcast collaboration questions, questions about why people judge, our fears, and etc. So, go ahead and get a drink, listen, and have fun with the peeps! Cheers!!!

Make sure that you guys hit that like button & subscribe if you are new!!!!!